Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Readers Clearly Prefer Contemporary/Lyrical

Our sidebar poll asked the question: What's your favorite dance genre on So You Think You Can Dance? Out of 112 responses, 58% chose contemporary/lyrical. Hip-hop and ballroom virtually tied for second with 17 and 16% respectively. Broadway received 6% and disco 3%. One voter commented that her favorite style is "whatever Danny is dancing!"

This brings up an interesting question. Does any couple who draws a contemporary/lyrical routine automatically gain an advantage in viewer voting? Or is there more pressure for them to perform that routine well? So far this season, Kameron & Lacey, and Dominic & Sabra have danced c/l and have avoided the bottom 3 for those performances. It's generally thought that both couples did a good job. Any thoughts?

SPOILER BELOW! Highlight to read.
We may get an indication this week. Spoilers indicate that Cedric and Shauna drew c/l with Mia, and reports are mixed as to how well they performed it.