Monday, August 20, 2007

Another Danny Fanvid

This one showed up in the mailbox a couple of times. Youtuber lindork created it.


After posting the above video, I stumbled upon this video montage of Danny AND Anya. Anyone who's been reading the blog for a while knows I couldn't pass up an Anya video. I'll add it to this post rather than create a new one, since I know we've been a bit Danny-heavy lately.

Youtube user EmbracingTheLight created this one and writes:
I miss my Danya.

There was something so "Old Hollywood" and ethereally beautiful about Danny and Anya.

They were really gorgeous on that stage together. They had a very "quiet" chemistry that I adored, and a mutual respect and admiration for one another.

I really liked this partnership, and it was one of my personal favorite couplings, right up there with my beloved "Benjelle" and "Dombra".