Saturday, August 11, 2007

Favorite Routine: Mandy Moore's Table Jazz

Neil and Sabra's top 6 jazz routine, choreographed by Mandy Moore, clearly led our Favorite Routine poll for season 3. Kameron and Lacey's top 20 Contemporary, choreographed by Mia Michaels came in a distant second, closely followed by Hok & Jaimie's Wade Robson choreographed Hummingbird Jazz routine, and Pasha and Sara's West Coast Swing, choreographed by Benji Schwimmer and Heidi Groskreutz.

763 voters cast 1938 votes. Multiple votes were allowed, so the percentages show the percentage of voters who included each routine amongst their votes. For instance, 40% of all voters included a vote for the winner.

I think it's interesting to note that the 4 top routines came from 4 different choreographers and were performed by 8 different dancers.

Sabra & Neil's Jazz Routine
309 (40%)

Kameron & Lacey's Contemporary
240 (31%)

Hok & Jaimie's Jazz
233 (30%)

Pasha & Sara's West Coast Swing
219 (28%)

Full results and videos after the jump...

Danny & Anya's Viennese Waltz
117 (15%)

Dominic & Sabra's Hiphop
109 (14%)

Sara & Jesus Jazz
110 (14%)

Neil & Lacey's Contemporary
100 (13%)

Danny & Lauren's Contemporary
81 (10%)

Pasha & Jessi's Stiff Jazz
71 (9%)

Dominic & Sabra's Contemporary
70 (9%)

Neil & Lauren's Contemporary
63 (8%)

Pasha & Jessi's Smooth Waltz
53 (6%)

Neil & Sabra's Table Jazz

Kameron & Lacey's Contemporary

Jaimie & Hok's Hummingbird Jazz

Sara & Pasha's West Coast Swing