It's not everyday that you meet your idols, your inspirations, the people for whom you hold an immeasurable amount of admiration and love. However, Saturday, September 29, was one of those days. Danny Tidwell and Jaimie Goodwin are not only amazing dancers, but they are also gorgeous people inside and out. I'd give anything to be able to watch them dance and meet them again.
I'm not even kidding when I say that it was the greatest day of my entire life.
Sorry if I get really fangirly in this report. I can’t help it. This show and these dancers just make me so giddy.
I woke up at 9am on Saturday morning since I had to finish writing my letters for all the dancers and get everything ready. For those of you who don’t know, I won two tickets and two meet and greet passes through the sytycd myspace contest. The tickets I won were worse than the tickets I bought, so my parents ended up sitting in the bad seats while my best friend and I enjoyed a fabulous view.
Contest rules said we had to meet at the box office at 3:45 to pick up the passes so we left the house at 2:30 and got to Continental at 3. When we got there, no one knew anything. We just kinda stood there for a few minutes until someone who worked for the tour came over to us. He told us that the m&g was actually moved until after the show. We picked up our passes and were suddenly 5 hours early.
We drove around Secaucus for a while hoping to randomly see the dancers out shopping or something like that. No luck lolz.
At 6 we drove back to the venue and...
...lined up outside the doors, which opened at 7. People behind me in line admired my fanshirt, actually getting up close and pointing at the picture on the back. When the doors opened, we ran to the merch table and my friend Dos and I both bought programs and t-shirts. We made our way to our seats, marveled at the amazing view we had, and waited. At 8, it all began.
Watching these dances live was insane. The sheer intensity in the room, the excitement of the audience, the passion you felt with each dancer’s every move – it surpassed every expectation I had. And I can say that having been to the tour last year. Although my seats last year were less than stellar, but anyway…
The show began with a group routine with the top 10, highlighting the styles of each contestant. It was a great opening number. Lots of fun. It really set the tone for the rest of the night – ridiculous dancing performed with a lot of love. The dancers were truly giving it their all for their dedicated fans.
Fav routines: Danya Foxtrot, Dancey Samba, Dancey Waltz, Daneil Contemp [wow Danny bias much], Kamcey Contemp, D-Bra Contemp, Homie Jazz.
I loved how they handled the Laceil contemp. In all seriousness, I loved every dance. Most of my favorites from the season were performed and I was ecstatic with the ones they picked. Each showcased the growth each dancer underwent during the show. All the original dances were amazing as well. Jaimie held her own in the jive, and I love her for it. I would have liked it if she had replaced Anya in Apologize or in a new contemp routine all together, but beggars can’t be choosers. The Shameron Broadway was great to watch. And we finally got to see Pasha and Anya dance together and they sure didn’t disappoint. I was upset to see that the breaker routine was taken out due to Hok’s back injury. I hope everything is ok with him though.
All the group routines were so much fun. I was mad during The Moment I Said It because people got back late from intermission so the people in front of me had to stand up to let them through, but once they sat down and my eyes focused back on Danny, everything was a-ok. I loved everyone’s solos too. Each wonderfully demonstrated why they deserved to be on the stage, dancing for everyone.
Love. That’s all I can say. Utter and complete love. For this show. For these dancers. For their passion and talent and inspiring nature.
After the tour we were sent up to a bar/lounge for the m&g. Dos and I stood and waited for maybe a half an hour. At one point she and I were having a conversation when I look up at see Tyce Diorio walk past us. Insane.
Dos and I decided to sit at a table in the lounge and wait. And one by one the dancers filtered into the room, everyone erupting in cheers and applause. The first person to come over to us was Jesus.
He was so cute. He gave us both hugs and thanked us for coming to the show. I had written letters for each dancer and a poem that I gave a copy of to each of them too. He actually stood there are read it in front of me. I think Pasha and Anya came next. They had both been near us for a while talking to other people, so when Pasha walked by we called him over and he autographed stuff. When we were looking around to who we should go up to next, Anya’s letter had been sitting out on the table and she saw it. So she picked it up confused and I was all “Oh my god, yea, that’s for you.” Then Hok and Kam came over and I gave them my gifts and they autographed my shirt.
Then the love of my life walked over.
Danny came over to our area so in a high pitched voice I’m all “Dannyyyyyy” and just put my arms around him. No asking for a hug or anything. So he’s all “hiiiii” and just laughs. I give him my gifts, as I’m like shaking. And stupid me gets uber quiet around famous people because I’m just so star-struck and tongue-tied. I manage to get out an “OMG I think you’re amazing.” We take a picture and I’m sooooo happy.
After that Jaimie comes over and I tell her that I have gifts for her so she excitedly jumps up and down. I ask her to sign my shirt and she says, “Where did you get the picture from [magic mountain group pic]? I haven’t even seen this yet.” Lolz yay obsessed fans
Then Dom pops up behind me, sees the picture too, and then goes into a story about how he has a picture from that day of him humping Daffy Duck and that he should post it on his myspace for everyone to see haha. I give him my gifts and Dos starts taking pictures of him reading it. When he sees the camera, he goes into photo shoot mode and starts doing different poses. Hilarious.
We notice that the crowd has definitely gone down so we figure that the dancers will be leaving soon. We go over into
the main area and take a quick picture with Sabra. Then the dancers were rushed past us so that they could sign autographs out by the buses. I ended up meeting 9 out of the 14 dancers. I would’ve liked to have met them all, but meeting Danny and Jaimie was my absolute dream.
Best day ever. Plain and simple.
Pictures here
Videos here
[I still have 11 more videos that I have to post.]