BuddyTV has exclusive interviews with our 2 eliminated dancers, in both text and audio.
Do you wish you had something different with your solo routine?
Actually, I was very satisfied with my solo routine. I thought about doing something very technical. I think I can do whatever Danny and Neil did, I believe I can do myself, but I was going for something different and that I knew I could do, and I did do it, and I think I accomplished that.
Can you tell us about going to the hospital, how bad actually was it and was there any chance of you performing on Tuesday's show?
Absolutely, yes, there was a chance for me performing on Tuesday’s show. Something that the audience didn't see was that was actually the second time I had to go to the hospital because last week, I also got reallydehydrated again like, "Girl, get some Gatorade." But that was the second time I had to go, I did not want to go, I didn’t feel like I needed to go, but the show has our best interests in mind and they just felt like if you’re feeling these pains you should go to the hospital and get it checked it out. I’m sitting there going, "Give me some Gatorade, give me a second to breathe and I'll be fine". I actually checked myself out of the hospital to come back because there was no way I was letting Pasha down or letting him dance by himself. And, at that point it was taken out of my hands and put into some lawyer's hands, and so they were like, "No, no, you will not be dancing tonight, you’re a liability, what if you croak on stage?" And I’m going, "I’m not going to croak, everything’s going to be fine, please let me dance, please, please, please". And they were like, "No, no, no".
RealityWanted has a joint interview:
GINA (REALITYWANTED): Do you have a favorite dance performed by your fellow contestants so far?
Jessi: I would say … Wade’s piece for Hok & Jaimie. But … honestly? I love my performances with Pasha. What you see us doing on stage, that’s the real thing. I look at him & I say, “This is the truth!”
Jesus: That would be Sabra & Dominic’s lyrical dance. I helped Dominic with it while trying to learn my own routine & he’s so passionate about what he does. They both are, so it really touched me.