Saturday, July 28, 2007

Interviews With Jaimie and Kameron

Royce Yuen conducts this week's BuddyTV interviews with the departing dancers.

Jaimie, on her favorite choreographers:

My answer is going to be a pretty common one this year. I loved Wade as far as our duo and our opening number. As far as duets for me, Wade was by far my favorite. I had hoped I would get Mia for a duet for the entire show, I was just wanting her so bad because of course contemporary is my specialty and she’s just been someone I look up to so much since I first started training in contemporary, she’s been a huge idol. And so, when we got to do the group number with Mia this past week, I have to say, she’s been another one of my choreographers this season definitely.


Kameron, on his favorite routine:
Looking back, honestly, the most fun, as far as a challenge in the beginning, really putting so much work into it and having an awesome performance, honestly, I would have to say the quickstep. Because, starting off, I had no partner experience, and Lacey had never done quickstep before, and just to see the growth from day one to the performance, I was so proud of myself and so surprised in a good way. And to put that work in and to see the outcome and we got great reviews that week about how good it looked and I couldn’t agree more. It definitely showed that we put in so much work and stuff like that.


Kennedy interviews Jaimie and Kameron for Reality Remix.

Thanks to Gen for letting us know about the video.