Sunday, September 23, 2007

Tour Coverage

Sabra & Neil's Paso Doble in Albany, uploaded by iarechigz.

DanceNYY has several videos up from the Albany show. Here's Dominic, Sara, and Hok breaking.

Lauren Beckham Falcone of the Boston Herald attended the show and talked to the cast:

“Opening night (in Albany, N.Y., Friday) was so cool,” said Neil Haskell, who made it to the top four this season. “There’s such a difference performing in front of a small audience then going to an arena filled with fans.”

Haskell admitted that being the object of thousands of people’s affections is a little bizarre.

“It’s weird, but I wouldn’t want to take it away,” he said. “It’s just strange when people are snapping your picture and you’re like, that’s not going to look good.”


LJ Blogger lostinadream04 has photos from Albany.


Kim at GirlsTalkinSmack has pics and a list of routines. Those hoping for Pasha & Anya and Danny & Jaimie pairings will be happy.


Previewing the tour for Pennsylvania's Times-Leader, Lisa Sokolowski talked to Sabra Johnson about what winning means for her:
“Dancers are never put on a pedestal,” Johnson said. “I’m going to use this as best I can to do shows and teach and travel and do basically whatever I can. People know me and like me. When that time is over, and I’m not as cool anymore, I can start training again. For now, I’ll put that on hold for one or two years.”