When many Americans are voting for change, enough voted for Status Quo last week to elevate the crew out of danger. Their routine began with Darvis doing the coolest little hat flip, and ended with Jamal, in a JabbWockeez mask, stuffing E-Knock in a dumpster. They spent most of the routine racking up Frequent Flyer miles.
Shane Sparks mentions SQ as one of his favorite crews in an interview at LA's The Place Magazine.
Tonya Plank has been watching the show:
Speaking of “America’s Best Dance Crew“: how happy was I that Status Quo was finally NOT in the bottom three!!! Yes! I loved all that flipping they did last night. I’m always afraid someone’s going to get hurt, but they just always make me smile, and I need that after a full week of this trial. Not to wax too cheesy about these boys from the ‘hood I find so endearing, but this disturbing trial (not to mention having spent many years as a public defender) makes me think what dance can do for people — taking them out of their circumstances, giving them opportunities, allowing them to take out aggression in a positive way… Dance is important!
Tonya was distressed about the judges' decision to eliminate Live In Color over Fysh N Chicks, as was a TVGuide Community blogger:
I cannot believe what I witnessed on America's Next Best Dance Crew. I think the judge’s decision was an injustice. Especially for people who are suppose to keep it so real "Randy Jackson, Lil Mama & Shane Sparks". I can see if Live in Color lost to Kaba Modern or JabbaWockeeZ real dance crews! However, I cannot comprehend a real dance crew "Live In Color" losing to boys on skates and a dance crew that was consistently in the bottom 2. The tap dancing sucked! I can see if they stopped the music and you actually heard something. Hell I could have moved my feet around with music blasting and called it tap dancing. The show should be called "Judges Best Dance Crew" because not only was America not represented tonight; but the "Judges" continue to save a weak group who obviously is not wanted by America! And they wonder why people are so hesitant to vote? It's call being overridden when your vote wasn't the one they were looking for. I won't be watching next week!
Personally, I think there has been a production bias to keep female groups to pull male demographics. How else could you justify the inclusion of Femme Five in the top 9?