Thursday, July 12, 2007

Best Of The Recaps

Brett Love at TVSquad always entertains with his recaps.

Sabra and Dominic were off to see Shane Sparks for a hip hop routine. It wasn't what I was expecting. I thought Shane would turn Dominic loose with some of the skills he has shown in his solo performances, but he dialed things down and brought them something of an intimate hip hop number. It was different, and I thought it worked very well. I do really enjoy watching the growth of Dominic as a performer, as well as the two of them as a team. They really are great together.


Kimberly at GirlsTalkinSmack on Neil & Lauren:
As much as I love Wade’s routines, I wish some of them weren’t so obviously his. Does that make sense? I mean, in the beginning of this we got that little poppy/locky, Thriller-esque thing that he’s been doing in so many of his routines recently. I tried SO hard to like this and not be baised against Neil and Lauren (mainly Neil) but….no. They executed it well and they played their parts, maybe a bit too hammy for my taste, but overall it left me feeling meh.

Has anyone ever actually said the word meh?


Daemon's TV has all the clips.