Daemon's TV got a chance to interview Shauna & Cedric.
D: Did you think you were going to go home this week?
S: I don’t know, I mean I never really try to hold things forgranted or anything.
D: Do you wish you had done something different in your routine?
S: No, I mean I feel like things happen for a reason, and I think that I tried everything I could, and that I made everything my all, not once did I hold back.
D: What has this experience brought you?
S: This experience has been amazing. Working with all the choreographers, and giving me a chance to share what I love to do with everyone was great.
D: Where do you get your inspirations for your moves?
C: Cartoons. If you ask anybody, especially if you ask Danny,because Danny’s my roommate, he’s like “man, dude all you watch is cartoons or the history channel” it’s because, I like reality but sometimes you know, you just want to get away from it so either you go in the past like with history or you look at cartoons, that’s how I look at it. So yeah, I get a lot of my inspiration from cartoons.