Monday, August 20, 2007

Lacey's Mom

Lacey's Mom, Laurie Kaufman has posted to her Myspace blog:

After the Show.....

hello dear family, friends and fans!!

wow....what a week!!! season 3 is officially over....i really dont know where all that time went!! first and foremost....i would like to thank all of you for voting for lacey....lacey fans are by far the best fans ever! you all pulled for her throughout the entire season and never let her down.....the time and efforts that were made by all of you will never be forgotten and i will be forever be indebted to all of you! Lacey is doing great!! i spoke with her yesterday and she has gone to the beach, got some much needed sleep, has spent time with friends and is planning on coming to visit me at the end of the week! lacey is looking forward to tour, not only to perform, but to finally meet all the fans that loved and supported her during her dance journey on sytycd! she was even making a list yesterday of all the things that she needs to bring with her on tour!! and as far as the final results of the show...

...lacey is happy for sabra....and she wishes her great things for her dance career in the future. Would lacey have wanted to be the final winner? of course she would! but she said something interesting to me the other day....she said that originally she wanted to go on the show to become a better be challanged so that she could prove to herself that she was able to take a challange, meet it.....and be satisfied with what she did with it!! that is what she did week after week....and so she was happy about that! but as the contest got deeper into the weeks, she realized that she wanted to go the full distance in the contest.....she really wanted to be in the final 4....and she did just that! lacey would have loved to have won the title of americas favorite dancer....she never danced just for herself...she danced for the fans! after the end of the taping on thursday.....jessica and arianna, two wonderful young ladies, and huge fans of lacey's, came up to me with tears in their eyes, feeling sad that lacey hadnt heart just ached for them. they had made signs for her, wore t-shirts with laceys name on them, and jessica even had a headband on with laceys name on it! these two young ladies really wanted lacey to i went up to them and hugged them and said they needed to be happy for be happy for all of the dancing that she did for everyone all summer long! be happy that she was in the final 4, be happy that she is going on happy for her future in dance!!! sytycd is not the end of a journey or a is the beginning of a journey and a career!! sytycd is a stepping stone to laceys future in dancing.....and lacey is so greatful for that!!! she cant go anywhere without someone recognizing her....sytycd was able to promote her so that she was a household name and face! she has a great dance agent because of the show and she has so many jobs and different offers that have come her way because of her great dancing, dignity and professionalism! lacey is so excited for her future in dance.....she also wants to actually approached her about some projects that they want lacey to be involved have given lacey that push, that every dancer hopes for, to get a foot in the be be on a number 1 television show, two nights a week, all summer long! all of you didnt just get lacey a foot in the gave her a full body in the door!!! as for me .....i think lacey should have won! although i am her mother, and of course mothers always support their children, i feel that lacey stepped up to plate every week and danced every genre that was given to her better than any other dancer on the show! now that doesnt mean i think that the other dancers were not talented....because i do....the dancers this season were amazing, but i feel lacey did the better job! so, i am officially making lacey my favorite dancer!!! i am so proud of my daughter...she had to go through some pretty tough times....the boards were so horrible to her, the stress of the show, the rumors, gossip, etc....but through it all , she came out of it with dignity and professionalism. so congrats to my lacey stand supreme in my eyes and will always be my champion in everything that you do!! again, i thank all of you for taking the ride with me and is not always easy, there are always bumps along the way and curves you dont always see coming.....all of us took the ride knowing that.....and we are better for it!!! i love all of you and will always be here as your friend....i dont plan on leaving....all of you have become my friend and i cherish that so much! so onto the future.....cant wait to see what lies ahead for lacey.....i know that we are going to be able to enjoy her dancing and her career for so many years to come!!!


laurie kauffman