Sunday, August 19, 2007

Size Disparity, Culture, And Pop

Someone named Burbly commented on this piece at Theory My Culture. The comment was so interesting and thought provoking, I want to call attention to it and post the 2 videos mentioned.

Allan Frias and Melody Lacayanga, Lyrical by Keith Young (choreography reel), season 1.

I had never seen this. I have to say, though the pairing is unusual, this worked for me on an emotional level. Sometimes, imperfection creates beauty. Burbly says they ended up in the bottom 4 that week.

Ricky Palomino and Ashlee Langas, choreography by Alex DaSilva, season 3.

It's interesting to look back at the 2 dancers we got to know the least. This was an unfortunate pairing of dancers, and dancers with choreography. The close dancing (and Ashlee's heels) accentuated the height difference. Ricky still looks to me like a 12-year-old Michael Corleone dancing with somebody's big sister at a mob wedding. I think it's safe to say we never saw the best either he nor Ashlee had to offer, but at least they both have outstanding comments from Mia Michaels to take with them for their career.