Thursday, June 28, 2007

Deep Shallowness

Peter Brown at IF Magazine is to be pitied rather than scorned.

But I digress. Where was I? Oh yeah, how can anyone watch this craptacular show and for 120 minutes no less? Egad, there is no substance here. Who cares about dancing moves or whether they have new pairings or what type of “experience” it is to dance a certain way. Ugh, shut up already. Cut this crap to a half hour at the most.

It is amazing how mindless, half-wits can spew out holier-than-thou, sanctimonious verbiage left and right about freaking dancing as if they are auditioning for the next spot on the cross. It’s dancing. At least on AMERICAN IDOL you don’t have the singers talking about their “craft” or their “life as dancers.” Ugh, shut up already.

I don't think he means craptacular in the good way. I guess there aren't enough shootings and dead bodies. Oh, and it needs more cowbell. On second thought, go ahead, scorn away.