Wednesday, July 18, 2007

First Top 12 Recaps

Emily at Elaire Fare recaps.


My Ox Is Broken like Dominic & Sabra the most.


Nate Levy at Levy on TV:

Opening: I’m perplexed by Cat’s dress. Is it a short dress that’s made to look ruffled, or is it an ill-fitting longer dress? I guess we’ll never know. Pasha manages to combine 3 styles in 15 seconds. Neil is back to twirling. Anya continues to have a terrible taste in fashion. Cat reminds us that this is the last week where the partners remain the same. I don’t get why Cat always wants us to scream “judges”. But we do it anyways. Tonight’s guest judge is Wade Robson, meaning we’ll have to rely on Mia Michaels for some kickass routines. Nigel has had a haircut, and looks spiffy. Cat and Nigel reminisce about British things. Mary thinks it’s still anybody’s game. The hot tamale train is mentioned again, and I still don’t ever want to take a ride on it. Wade Robson thinks the dancers have a responsibility to be honest as humans on stage. Deep, Wade. Deep.